blog tour starts today
I’m on a blog tour! My roommate– who got her Master’s degree in Publishing and is therefore an expert– told me, “Oh, you have to do a blog tour. They… Read more
I’m on a blog tour! My roommate– who got her Master’s degree in Publishing and is therefore an expert– told me, “Oh, you have to do a blog tour. They… Read more
This is a video of me in S&S’s Studio 4 sharing my thoughts on MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS, some life advice for my characters, and opinions on whether or not success… Read more
Yesterday I cleaned out my bookshelves. They were looking over-cluttered, and I sensed that pruning them would give me catharsis. I am constantly seeking catharsis. Plus, it seemed like I… Read more
1. As you can see in the post below, I JUST RECEIVED ONE FINISHED COPY OF MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS. You don’t get yours until October 5th, but I got mine… Read more
Next week is BEA (Book Expo America), which is the big annual book industry conference. My friend Alix just called it “the CMJ of books.” This is 100% true, except… Read more