Galley Grab link for PAST PERFECT
I am here in New Orleans, and ALA is raging all around me. My publisher had a bunch of ARCs for PAST PERFECT at the booth this morning, but now they are ALL GONE. This is a good thing if you are, say, me, because that means that many people are now going to read my new novel. It’s also a good thing if you are my publisher, because that means they don’t have to ship home boxes of unclaimed PAST PERFECT ARCs. However, this may not be such a good thing if you are a librarian or other publishing professional who didn’t manage to snag one of the copies being given away today.
Here is a Galley Grab link for an electronic version of the PAST PERFECT galley. There are some restrictions here– like you can’t email the file to a friend, and you can’t read it on certain e-readers– but otherwise it’s just like an ARC. Only on a computer!
If you are a publishing professional (bookseller, librarian, book blogger, etc.), you can click on that link, register for the Galley Grab program, and read PAST PERFECT. Here is the link again, if you want to copy and paste:
And now I am going to sleep. Because it is 11:45pm in New Orleans, and clearly I know how to party.