• blog tour post-mortem

    After many long, hard weeks out on the road (what am I talking about?), the MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS blog tour has come to an end. I think we all learned… Read more

  • WriteOn Con

    Do you want to chat with me? And also with my literary agent, Stephen Barbara? Do you want to hear the INNER WORKINGS of our author-agent relationship, like how I… Read more

  • I love judging things

    I am judging two things over the coming weeks. One is a YA novel writing contest. The other is a dance-off. Here’s the deal with the writing contest: http://www.writingclasses.com/ContestPages/YAPitch.php. I… Read more

  • blog tour starts today

    I’m on a blog tour! My roommate– who got her Master’s degree in Publishing and is therefore an expert– told me, “Oh, you have to do a blog tour. They… Read more

  • They’re mostly good girls…

    This is a video of me in S&S’s Studio 4 sharing my thoughts on MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS, some life advice for my characters, and opinions on whether or not success… Read more

  • RSS feed

    Some of you have been like, “Leila I WANT to support you in all your blogging endeavors, but somehow your blog has no RSS feed!” Now it does: http://ericg15.sg-host.com/?feed=rss Welcome… Read more

  • carbo-loading

    I just ate my body weight in whole wheat pasta. I told my roommate that I am “carbo-loading.” What am I carbo-loading for? Revising a manuscript, of course! Why do… Read more

  • bad habits

    Now that I can look up my own sales figures on Bookscan, it seems unlikely that I’ll ever do anything else with my time. I am TOO CURIOUS. I just… Read more