The thing about life is that people always want to know what you’re going to do next. They are sort of interested in what you have done, and maybe slightly more interested in what you are doing right now, but primarily they are interested in what you will do at some point in the future.

Thus, as soon as it’s January, people ask, “What are your plans for this summer?” And as soon as you’re a junior in high school, people ask, “Where are you looking for college?” And as soon as you get engaged, people ask, “When is the wedding?”

For authors, what this means is that people always want to know about the book you’re going to write next. Even if your last book just came out yesterday– even if it hasn’t even come out yet at all, sometimes– people want to know what you’re going to do next. Sometimes this can be a stressful conversation for me, because I don’t always know what comes next.

But today I do! And I can tell you about it, too!

So, with that long prelude, it is now with great joy, and great excitement, that I announce my third YA novel: My Suicide Playlist.

Here is the deal announcement from Publishers Weekly:

FSG Books for Young Readers’ Joy Peskin acquired North American rights to Leila Sales’s YA novel, My Suicide Playlist. Stephen Barbara at Foundry Literary + Media represented Sales, who, in addition to being an author (Mostly Good Girls and Past Perfect), works as an associate editor at Viking Children’s Books. In the novel she follows a 16-year-old named Elise Dembowski, who stumbles on an underground dance club in her town and gains entry to a world of late-night dance parties until, as Barbara explained, “her ordinary life threatens to intrude.” The novel is slated for fall 2013.

Fall 2013, guys! That means we only have like 13 months to wait!

That also means that my revisions are due in approximately one week. So, if you were wondering, that is what I am going to do next: I am going to REVISE.

Since the publication date is so far from now, I can’t show you a cover image, because there isn’t one. I can’t tell you exactly what date the book will pub, because we don’t know yet. I can’t even guarantee that My Suicide Playlist will be the title, because sometimes titles change.

But I can share with you the first two lines of the book. Are you ready?

You think it’s so easy to change yourself.
You think it’s so easy but it’s not.

What do you think comes next?