bad habits
Now that I can look up my own sales figures on Bookscan, it seems unlikely that I’ll ever do anything else with my time. I am TOO CURIOUS. I just… Read more
a good sign that you have spent too much time writing today
I wanted to name a character “Cabel,” but I couldn’t tell if that was a name or not, so I spent like ten minutes looking it up on facebook, trying… Read more
the cultural phenomenon of the century
Six and a half years ago, in the spring of 2004, I wrote a humor article for my college newspaper in which I said the following: My mother often laments… Read more
a lack of catharsis
Yesterday I cleaned out my bookshelves. They were looking over-cluttered, and I sensed that pruning them would give me catharsis. I am constantly seeking catharsis. Plus, it seemed like I… Read more
playing paperdolls
There are many things I enjoy writing. This list does not include boys’ outfits. I guess I’m just not well-versed in the options for men’s fashion, but writing these descriptions… Read more
Important Notes
1. As you can see in the post below, I JUST RECEIVED ONE FINISHED COPY OF MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS. You don’t get yours until October 5th, but I got mine… Read more
Look, a book!
my to-do list
Here is my to-do list from Tuesday: -August 28 – Sept. 13: Tracy leaves –Follow the Line flaps -war -boys -deadline -FML It is entirely unclear to me whether I… Read more
It’s like 100 degrees in NYC
Dude, if you’re into rapidly melting ice cream, then my apartment is totally THE PLACE TO BE.
how DOES facebook know me so well?
Sometimes Facebook will tell me that users who share my interest in THE SMITHS are also fans of MORRISSEY. Or that users (like me!) who enjoy NEW ORDER also like… Read more
Sometimes I write things, and then I read them over (a few minutes, or days, or months later), and my response is, “What in God’s name was I talking about?”… Read more