ALA 2011: New Orleans or bust

I am leaving for New Orleans on Thursday! I am v. excited, one because it is ALA so I will get to meet many readers and participate in exciting events, and two because of BEIGNETS.

My only previous experience with beignets was at ALA two or three years ago, in Anaheim, where I ate beignets at the New Orleans-themed restaurant in Downtown Disneyland. Were they delicious? Um, I don’t know, I guess it depends on how you feel about FRIED STUFF AND POWDERED SUGAR.

Other things I will be doing in New Orleans, other than eating my way into heart attacks:

YALSA’s YA Authors Coffee Klatch, on Sunday morning. This is basically YA author speed-dating– there are going to be more than 25 of us there, including Sarah Dessen, Jay Asher, Lauren Myracle, Cassandra Clare, me, etc. So you won’t get bored, plus there is free coffee.

The Laugh’s On Us, on Sunday evening. Paula Poundstone hosts/headlines this event of humor writers, including Andy Borowitz, Jill Kargman, and me (again). It should be v. funny, and I’m looking forward to it, except for the bit where I am armed with messages from various family members to Paula Poundstone. I’m supposed to say things like, “My mom thinks you’re really talented,” and, “My dad told me to say ‘hi.'”

So, yeah. That is my ALA plan. Also I might take a riverboat. What about you? Will I see you there?